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Going to Switzerland this Summer? Be Sure you wear your favorite t-shirt from the Sci-Fi Classic THE CRAWLING EYE. While working on Trollenberg Mountain, a group of people are found decapitated. A radioactive cloud descends on the alps, and group of tentacled, telepathic creatures wreak havoc on humanity. T-shirt collectors would lose their heads for something like this… Oooops!


Body Snatchers – Poster (1956)

Holy Aliens Batman! This Oversized Poster works well in a Restaurant or Cafe, why even in the Man-cave. It measures 40″ x 60″ – Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a film that is so frighteningly real that it sends chills up your spine, unless of course you’re Coelenterate, in which case shivers through your jelly! Great Poster, a must have!


VINTAGE SCI-FI – 6 Movie Collection!

Featuring The 27th Day, The Night The World Exploded, The H-Man, Twelve To The Moon, Battle In Outer Space and Valley Of The Dragons. Grab yourself some popcorn, have some friends come over and make your own live version of MST3000.


GORGO Ultimate Collectors Edition on DVD (1961)

What’s 65 feet tall and makes a great Circus attraction? Well we better not say because it’s mama is looking for it See how this prehistoric monster is saved by it’s mom, but not before mom destroys half of London. By the way, Mom is 200 feet tall …yikes!


The Flesh Eaters (1964) – DVD

One of the most chilling and warped B-Horror movies of the `60s… See how a strange ocean born group of organisms are transformed into a deadly creature by the mad scientist Professor Peter Bartell. How will they stop him? Then… How will they stop it!?!
